Most of the Fresco Plastering Tools are easily found at any local Building Materials store, like Home Depot. Brands will vary but the tools will not. Same tools may have different names, often sales people will not know all the name variations. Just head on to the appropriate isle and look for it yourself.
It is often confusing to find a particular fresco tool or a proper sand at the big building supply store and the store clerks are not familiar with the fresco painting process or materials you need. We have put together a short “iPhone frescoSnaps” video to help you find the right isle as well as to give you an idea of what you can find at the Home Depot that is suitable for fresco.
1 – How to Shop Home Depot for Fresco Painting Materials?
Tool sizes could be slightly different, just make sure they are as close to the suggested here as possible. For example 2″ wide “Gaging Trowel” or “Margin Trowel” (for hand mixing of the plaster and other uses) comes in 2″ 3″ 4″ 5″ 6″ and even larger length size – any size will work, but the best choice is the 6″ long one. To apply and smoothen the plaster you should use the “Midget Trowel” 3’X 8″, if you cant find it at one Home Depot – go to the other, they do carry it.
Look for the common “Plaster Sand” or “Washed Plaster Sand”, if you can not locate any of the two, then “All Purpose Sand” will be fine. Stay away from “Play Sand”, Silica Sand or Sand Blasting Sand of any kind.- these sands may look fine and nice, not requiring sifting, however they all miss finer “dusty” grades and resulting plaster will be weak and porous.
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Traditional Fresco Plaster is composed of 2 main ingredients – Active and Inactive (Aggregate – sand):
Active Ingredient – is always the same – Aged High Calcium Slaked Lime Putty.
To gain experience in plastering at a minimal cost it is possible to prepare a “Practice Lime Putty” from common Type-S Hydrated Construction Lime available from Building Supply Stores (Home Depot). Type-S Hydrated Lime is manufactured from Dolomitic Limestone (Dolomitic limestone contains 35 to 46 percent magnesium carbonate). Here is the detailed article on the Lime Putty and a video on how to prepare Practice Lime Putty (click here)
Ceramic tiles are the perfect support for practice pieces, small frescoes and studies for the large work. Ceramic tiles (terracotta color back) are inexpensive, you need to use the cheapest ones, they are most porous which helps plaster adhesion and provides some water absorption/retention needed for proper painting condition. Stay Away from Porcelain tiles!
You can watch a free video detailing the list of the fresco plastering tools and materials, including mixing containers and other items for fresco plastering station setup, preparation of practice lime putty and video illustrated list of natural pigments for fresco. (click here: Get Started [001] – Get Organized)
Detailed video tutorial on the foundations of the plaster preparation, application and process timing (full BFF Volume 1 – Fresco Plaster) is here: Fresco Video Lessons: BFF V1 – Fresco Plaster (rental)
For your convenience all of the fresco tools and materials (except sand) are available at the www.FrescoShop.com. FrescoShop.com now carries a line of Fine Art Gallery Frames for frescoes on tiles.